Saturday, March 3, 2007

Prototype 04

From our previous experiments, we discovered that the radio shack piezo sensors weren't sensitive enough, so we ordered some piezo strips from the parallax site and found them to be very inexpensive and much more sensitive.

By using the same connection on the board we tried different ways to create a vibration on a surface that can trigger the piezo sensors.

We first tried to create a surface that was receptive to vibration like a "drum surface". With the use of an embroidery hoop and mylar we laid the piezo sensor on the surface and hit the surface of the mylar to create a vibration.

We also tried other means of triggering the sensor. By attaching a piece of mylar onto the piezo sensor, and blowing on to the mylar we were also capable of triggering the sensor as well.

Prototype 04 : Using wind to trigger the sensor

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